Youth Leadership: Climbing Mountains
The NEGAHA Youth Leadership Program is dedicated to providing youth, ages 12-18, with opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and foster personal growth. Our goal is to inspire young people to explore life, build character, and form meaningful relationships with their peers and community leaders.
At the heart of our mission is the development of youth-centered programming designed to guide emerging adults through life's challenges and help them reach their fullest potential. Through this program, participants will expand their social-emotional learning by improving their social skills, building social capital, and creating strong social connections.
We anticipate that each participant will grow in self-confidence, cultivate a positive self-identity, and strengthen their self-management skills. Ultimately, we aim to ignite a passion for community involvement and equip our youth with the tools they need to become engaged, empowered leaders.
Tuesday, February 18th
Meeting: Franchise 101
Tuesday, April 15th
Outing: Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center
Tuesday, May 20th
Meeting: 4:30 PM @ TBA
Tuesday, June 24th
June 30th-July 1st-Youth Leadership Conference
*Arrangements will be provided to eligible participants.
Tuesday, August 19th
Meeting: 4:30 PM @ TBA
Tuesday, September 23nd
YL to volunteer at the Community Fun Fair:
Thursday, October TBA
10-4 PM event starts at 11-3PM
Tuesday, November 18th
Parents encourage your children to come out and give it a try!
INTERESTED IN JOINING? NEED A RIDE? Call 706-886-9455 to speak with Resident Services.
This program offers participation incentives, which can include meal tickets, trips, and gift cards or cash.